Tuesday, 28 October 2008
...Self Evaluation...
I would say my attainment is Excellent reasons being because, when I conducted my GCSE examination results for Media Studies I achieved an B one mark away from an A. Therefore: I think I put in all my effort to achieve the best for both me and the teachers satisfaction.
Effort - 1
I would say my Effort is Excellent because, I tend to do all my tasks set to me and hand it in on the deadline given, with the best of my ability.
Punctuality - 1
My Punctuality is also Excellent as I attend all classes on time and give a positive attitude towards learning new things.
Submission And Quality Of Homework - 1
The submission and quality of my homework, I would say is Excellent as every peice that has been given has been completed to A Level standard. Also, one or two peices have been given a Merit.
Ability To Work Independently - 1
I think that my ability to work independently is Excellent this is because, I think I produce well standard work when I work independtly, Also, I know I get most of the work done with a great standard of quality.
Quality Of Writing - 2
I think my quality of writing is Very Good, but can get better. This is because, I do present my work in a clear manner and include paragraphs and punctuation etc.
Organisation Of Media Folder - 1
I think the organisation of my media folder is Excellent becuase, I have divided it up into 3 different sections for the 3 different teachers that I have. Also, all my work is in order and all worksheets are up to date.
Oral Contributions In Class - 2
I don't necessarily contribute in the class much. However, When I know and am certain that my answer is correct or my point is vaild I do not hesitate to araise my hand and get more involved.
Monday, 27 October 2008
...Best Media Productions Of 2(",)(",)8...
This media production specifically caught my eye because, the effects and shots that where used where unique and powerful. For instance: the broken glass bottle effect. Also, whilst watching this production me as being part of the audience can automatically tell how much time and effort went into putting this trailer together. What's more, after veiwing this clip the team included a numerous amount of angle shots and clips, which successfully brought the production together and made it to being an Award Winner Of 2008.
...Kuch To Hua Hia...
This productionn came to my attention because, the main storyline of this short trailer alomost seemed realistic. The way the 'Friendship' scene was recorded engaged the audience more as it showed clear imagery of the actors. Although it was an Asian Indian trailer it was clear to what was going on and what the main plot of the film is, which is a typical 'Love Triangle'. Moreover, the way they used real bollywood sound effects and clips for example: dancing in the rain, made it look more traditional.
...Silent Pain...
This media production was one of my favourites as they talked about rape and went in more depth about the situation. The advantage of showing this was to tell women about what could happen whilst their in a committed relationship and how the tables can turn dramatically. Moreover, the team used examples from the media, for instance: Hollyoaks and bollywood film Provoked. This demonstrates to the audience how it begins in the outside world. What’s more, they even included an example of their own and how that women met her husband. Overall, this documentary has sure given women a short view about what can happen within a relationship.
Monday, 20 October 2008
...All About Web 2.0...
What Is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 is all about 'Social Networking' sites, which allows us as individuals to communicate with others worldwide. Websites such as: Face book, Hi5, and Bebo etc allow us to connect with others. Also, Web 2.0 has a faster Internet connection which have a numerous amount of browser sites. Web 2.0 is mostly used and beneficial from youngsters to a wide audience of middle-aged males and females, aged from 16-30+
What Is Web 1.0?
Web 1.0 was given the state of the World Wide Web. It was created from 1994-2004, it used to dial up Internet connections rather slow and didn't really have whats known today as the "Social Networking" sites.
How Do They Both Differ?
Web 1.0 was about reading - Web 2.0 is about writing.
Web 1.0 was about companies - Web 2.0 is about communities.
Web 1.0 was about client-server - Web 2.0 is about peer to peer.
Web 1.0 was about HTML - Web 2.0 is about XML.
Web 1.0 was about home pages - Web 2.0 is about blogs.
..."We Are The Producers And Consumers Of The Media"...
0:00- Introduction To Youtube's Big Numbers:
1989- Launched the foundation of World Wide Web. A Male man called Kevin Kelly was invited by ABC to consult about the "Internet".
1948- ABC started broadcasting and then became the third major network. This was about 60 years ago...
2008 - 1948=60 Years
If they broad casted...
3 Networks x 60 Years Ago x 365 Days x 24 Hours A Day =
Over 1.5 MILLION Hours Of Programming
However, YouTube produced more in the past 6 months, this was without the use of producer but the use of everyday outsiders who have brought it together by uploading videos etc.So whats on YouTube?
9232 Hours A Day
385 Always On TV Channels
200,000 3 Minute Videos
88% New and Original Content
2:00- Numa Numa And The Celebration Of Web cams:
2003- A pop song was launched, and later on became a Big hit in Italy during 2004. Throughout the year the song was well known in Europe. This big hit then travelled around the world to create animated videos and stuff. One of the videos arrived at New Jersey in December 2004, where a man called Gary Walter had a web cam image of him enjoying himself and didn't really care about what others thought. It was seen as a new...
*"Cyber Star"*
2005- YouTube was launched and everyone had the privilege to join the 'Numa Numa' with nearly 50,000 videos uploaded.
Web cam- People at the web cam have... and they...
A Stronger Voice And Presence
Celebrate Of New Forms Of Communicating,
Global Connections &
New Ways To Connect Together
5:53- The Machin Is Us/ing Us And The New Media scape
The web is not about researching, but is about Linking People, Sharing, Trading And Collaborating. After 2 days the above video was uploaded it already had 253 views, and a couple days later it had jumped to a Blasting figure of 1,154.
The video was now extremely popular with...
Over 13,000 Blog Reactions
It was then published on...
*"Internet Star"*
Also stated that...
"We Are Living In A Media scape"
"Media Is Not A Content"
"Media are Not Tools Of Communication"
"Media Meditates Human Relations"
"When Media Changes - Human Relations Change To"
12:16- Introducing The Research Team
Graduate Students launch onto YouTube and up-load videos which then goes onto a Data Base
12:56- Who Is On YouTube?
25% Are 35Yrs+
25% Are Teens
A Vast Majority Of Viewers Are 18-24Yrs With 52%
13:25- Whats On YouTube? Charlie Bit My Finger, Soulja Boy Etc
The most commonly videos on YouTube are Home Videos.
They are mostly viewed...
Less Than 100 Times
Approximately 15% of videos on YouTube are Remakes of other videos. In April 2007 - Soulja Boy was created and was uploaded on YouTube. Which then started to spread World Wide and everyone was doing the 'Soulja Boy' dance.
August 2007 - Soulja Boy was now a large label and it was...
All About The New Media
17:04- 5% Of Videos Are Personal Blogs Addressed To The YouTube Community, Why?
Almost 10,000 videos from 200,000 are addressed to the YouTube Community Everyday.
The Loss of Ccommunity Over Time.
17:30- YouTube In Context, The Loss Of Community And "Networked Individualism" (Wellman)
When women joins the workforce theres no Free Time. Where only connected by Road Ways & TV. New forms of community/networks are immuring, for Intance, 'Cell Phones'
"Barry Wellman" stated that...
"From Place-To-Place.. To.. Person-To-Person Connectivity"
This is call "Networked Individualism"
18:41- Cultural Inversion: Individualism And Community
Express: - Value:
Individualism - Community
Independance - Relationships
Commercialization - Authenticity
19:15- Understanding New Forms Of Community Through Participant Observation
People on YouTube are participating in the community
Participant Observation= Core Of Methodology
21:18- YouTube As A Medium For Community
When media changes, Human realtions change to. Everytime someone talks on webcam its unknown, you don't know whos talking back to you. Its an invisable auidence on the otherside, you never know when there watching.
23:00- Our First Vlogs
This was moslty about people producing films and clips about themselves on vlogs and making sure that yhe type of shots are correct etc.
'Mitigating The Collapse Of Context'
25:00- The Webcam: Everybody Is Watching Where Nobody Is There ("Context Collapse")
Webcam is a public place, it studies Self Indentity. Also...
'We know ourselves from our understanding and the way other people understand us'
26:05- Re-Cognition And New Forms Of Self-Awareness (McLuhan)
'Hyper Self - Awareness'
People are able to watch these videos over and over again including those who originally created them.
27:58- The Anonymity Of Watching YouTube: Haters And Lovers
Anonymity + Physical Distance + Rare + Ephemeral Dialogue =
...Hatred As Public Performance...
...Freedom To Experience Humanity Without Fear Or Anxiety...
29:53- Aesthetic Arrest
People are experiencing others through YouTube, they are Overwhelmed with what they see.
30:25- Connection Without Constraint
Cultrual Tension:
Connection = Constraint
People Are Connecting Deeply...
Media Just Don't Distance Us, They Connect Us In Different Ways...
That Can Sometime Feel Distant
New forms of community create new forms of self - understanding.
32:35- Free Hugs: A Hero For Our Mediated Culture
Individuals who came from another country felt lonely, therefore; "Free Hugs" gave them an opportunity to build strong connections and Re-Connect with Humanity.
34:02- YouTube Drama: Striving For Popularity
On YouTube your video should be well - known and popular in order for it to appear on the frontpage/homepage.
34:55- An Early Star: Emokid21ohio
Two people are Connected with each other talking about a Love Story, soon later YouTube stars and others are Tuning In To Veiw It.
36:55- YouTube's Anthenticity Crisis: The Story Of LonelyGirl15
LonelyGirl15 started vlogging in June 2006, In matter of weeks she was YouTube's second most subscribed. However, debates soon sparked amongst YouTubes's regarding her authenticity. Suspicions then aarised about this vlog but...
These Suspicions Were Confirmed
Poeple where also concered, who she was?...
"LonelyGirl15 Is A Reflection Of Everyone"
39:50- Reflections On Authenticity
We are all Producers...
Producing Ourselves...
Re-taking Identity...
Editing Our Own Histories...
Playing with Identity
41:54- Gaming The System / Exposing The System
People are...
'Gaming The System'
'Exposing The System'
43:37: Seriously Playful Participatory Media Culture
Extending in the real world. (Context Collapse) of everyday life.
Networked Production: The Collab
People all around the world can collabrate togeather.
47:32 Networked Production: The Collab. MadV's "The Message" And The Message Of YouTube
Individuals on YouTube have written little statements on their hands, to show others there Not Alone. Its more seen as a Cultrual Value
49:29 Poem: The Little Glass Dot, The Eyes Of The World
The poem was produced by Wesh, its about the Web Cam and its Eyes Of The World. The Web Cam is used in many ways, for instance: Fame or Glory. Its just a way to connect with others and What We As The Consumers Make Of It.
51:15 Conclusion By Bnessel1973
It is stated that people should create videos to Change The World. However, Bnessel1973 created his to help Him Live In It. Wheather he decides to upload more videos in the future, YouTube Will Always Help Him Bring Life Again.