Tuesday, 28 October 2008

...Self Evaluation...

Attainment - 1

I would say my attainment is Excellent reasons being because, when I conducted my GCSE examination results for Media Studies I achieved an B one mark away from an A. Therefore: I think I put in all my effort to achieve the best for both me and the teachers satisfaction.

Effort - 1

I would say my Effort is Excellent because, I tend to do all my tasks set to me and hand it in on the deadline given, with the best of my ability.

Punctuality - 1

My Punctuality is also Excellent as I attend all classes on time and give a positive attitude towards learning new things.

Submission And Quality Of Homework - 1

The submission and quality of my homework, I would say is Excellent as every peice that has been given has been completed to A Level standard. Also, one or two peices have been given a Merit.

Ability To Work Independently - 1

I think that my ability to work independently is Excellent this is because, I think I produce well standard work when I work independtly, Also, I know I get most of the work done with a great standard of quality.

Quality Of Writing - 2

I think my quality of writing is Very Good, but can get better. This is because, I do present my work in a clear manner and include paragraphs and punctuation etc.

Organisation Of Media Folder - 1

I think the organisation of my media folder is Excellent becuase, I have divided it up into 3 different sections for the 3 different teachers that I have. Also, all my work is in order and all worksheets are up to date.

Oral Contributions In Class - 2

I don't necessarily contribute in the class much. However, When I know and am certain that my answer is correct or my point is vaild I do not hesitate to araise my hand and get more involved.

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